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Monday, April 12, 2010

my, oh my, how time does fly!

Okay so it's been a while - A. LONG. WHILE.

I know. Last time I wrote in January I figured it was perfect - a month before my birthday. I was making a commitment. HA. I guess the joke was on me because apparently I made a much better commitment to making my blog look cute and reading tons of other blogs than to actually writing MY OWN. It ends now. Today's the day (ha, how very Dr. Seuss of me minus the rhyme). Tonight I start fresh. I'm sure you're all sitting on the edge of your seats with anticipation (and by you I mean my one follower at this point in time). But trust me you should be. Just because I haven't typed doesn't mean I haven't been busy...

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stroll down memory lane...

find something creative i've done

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